Brooklyn, New York residents who live in rentals want to have a good relationship with their landlords. However, certain situations can lead to an eviction. It’s important to know why this might happen.
What is an eviction?
A landlord might try to evict a tenant if they have a legal basis for doing so. Eviction is a process involving the removal of a tenant from their apartment. However, sometimes, if there is a contentious landlord/tenant relationship, an eviction attempt by the landlord might be illegal.
What are legal examples of eviction?
A landlord needs a legitimate reason to evict a tenant. When a tenant moves into an apartment or other rental dwelling, the paperwork that makes up their lease should have a list of valid reasons why they could be evicted. One of the most common is the tenant not paying their rent. Another is that they habitually pay their rent late.
Too many people living in the apartment and the tenant illegally subletting to another person are other valid reasons for eviction. If the tenant is a nuisance and causes an inconvenience to other tenants in the building, they may be evicted.
Damage to the property or using the property for illegal purposes are also grounds for eviction.
What is an illegal eviction?
An illegal eviction might occur when there is a poor landlord/tenant relationship or when the landlord believes they can get more money for the apartment. Certain practices are common with an illegal eviction, such as shutting off utilities like heat, gas and water. Changing the locks on the apartment door, making threats and removing the tenant’s belongings from the apartment are also common tactics.
If a tenant believes they are in jeopardy of being evicted, they can take action first. Moving out before being served with an eviction notice is one way to act. It’s also possible to explore options for resolving the issue.