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3 tips to help resolve a partnership dispute

On Behalf of | Jan 28, 2025 | Business & Commercial Law

Business partners go into business together because they share visions and dreams about the company. In most cases, they recognize that each of them has areas of strength that balance each other out. 

Many don’t consider what will happen if they don’t see eye to eye about specific matters. When a partnership dispute occurs, trying to resolve it can be challenging. These three tips may help to get the problem resolved as quickly as possible while keeping the business’s best interests in focus.

1: Review the matter objectively 

It’s always best to take a step and review the dispute from an objective standpoint. It’s best to take the time to think about who has the expertise in the area of the dispute. Taking the time to consider the reasoning behind the resolution they’re asking for may be beneficial. 

2: Keep the dispute out of public view

Employees and clients may find it difficult to think of the company as being stable if they know the owners are in a dispute. It’s typically best to have any discussions about the dispute away from the business. 

3: Show a united front with the resolution

If a resolution to the issue can be found, it’s best for the owners to show a united front. This can help to put fears related to the dispute at rest so employees and clients can see that the business is still stable.

Despite their best efforts, some partnership disputes can’t be resolved quickly or amicably. When that occurs, it’s best to put the interests of the business at the forefront of the matter. Seeking the assistance of someone familiar with partnership disputes may be beneficial so resolution methods can be found.
